Helpdesk / Ticket management through Dashboard
Through dashboard customer can access and view the open, answered and closed tickets and also create new helpdesk tickets for various technical issues.
How to view Open/Waiting tickets
Please click on the Waiting tickets tab and all the tickets waiting to be answered will be listed and you can click on the ID of the ticket to view:

How to post a response to the waiting ticket:
Please note that right below the details of the ticket there is an are to post a response to the open ticket mentioning the resolution or the troubleshooting steps for the problem.
How to place a New ticket
In order to place a new ticket, please navigate to the last tab under the helpdesk module named as “View tickets/create new ticket” OR you can also naviagte through menu and following the path Home > Helpdesk > New Ticket. Mention the subject, the problem statement and click on submit at the end of the page.
How to view Closed tickets and answered tickets.
To view the closed and answered tickets please click on the respective tabs and all the tickets will be listed and you can click on the ID of the ticket to view.
OR you can navigate to Home > Helpdesk > My tickets and select the status to view the respective cases.