This installation manual will help to setup a Yeastar PBX configuration with a MachCloud provided SIP trunk.
This manual assumes that the following is available.
- An operational Yeastar Phone System with admin rights.
- A MachCloud SIP Trunk that has at least one phone number assigned to it.
Installation steps
Follow the steps to add a MachCloud Trunk to the Yeastar PBX.
- Login into the Yeastar Management Console with administrator privileges via a web browser and select in the menu: Extension and Trunk > Trunk > Add
- Select from dropdown ITSP menu: MachCloud. This will fill-in all relevant Yeastar settings to be able to use MachCloud SIP Trunk.
- Enter a name for this MachCloud Trunk and check if it is set to ‘Enabled’
In the details section: fill-in following information
Transport: UPD
Port: 5060
Username: <the name of your MachCloud Trunk>
Password: <password of your MachCloud Trunk>
And click “Save” to confirm
You may check in tab “Advanced” the following settings
Voip Settings
- DTFM mode: Inband
- T.38 Support

In tab “DIDs/DDIs” you can add/check Phone Numbers which are present at the Trunk

In tab “Inbound Caller Reformatting” no entry needed

In tab “Outbound Caller ID” no entry needed
In tab “ SIP Headers” you can check following settings:
- Get Caller ID From: Follow System
- Get DID Fron: Follow System
- 100ref: Disabled

That’s it. Hope you enjoy using the MachCloud Trunks.
(Source: Yeastar_MachCloud_Trunk_settings_EN_v1.1.docx, 2024-07-17)